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Table 1 Outcomes of Australian Health Ministers' Conferences 2004–2005 in relation to structural reform

From: (Re)form with Substance? Restructuring and governance in the Australian health system 2004/05

Agreement / Outcome

Press release date

Agreement to take "immediate action to progress reform of the Australian health care system in the areas of after hours GP services; aged care; chronic disease and cancer services; medical workforce planning; and, renal disease services" [10]

28 November 2003

Establishment of a national nursing taskforce to drive major nursing education and workforce reforms [11]

28 November 2003

Release of Australia's first national health workforce strategic framework [12]

23 April 2004

Agreement to take further steps "to progress reform of the Australian health care system in the areas of after hours GP services; aged care; chronic disease and cancer services; medical workforce planning; and, renal disease services" [13]

23 April 2004

Agreement on a nationally consistent approach to medical registration [14]

23 April 2004

Agreement on the first National Health Workforce Action Plan [15]

29 July 2004

Agreement to continue the Health Reform Agenda and the future priorities for reform [16]

29 July 2004

Agreement to establish a Review of the Future Governance Arrangements for Safety and Quality in Health Care [17]

29 July 2004

Agreement to establish a new national entity to drive critical e-health initiatives – NEHTA [18]

28 January 2005

Endorse development of a National Framework for Action on Dementia [19]

28 January 2005