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Table 1 Roles of government in obesity prevention

From: Obesity prevention: the role of policies, laws and regulations

Action area





Providing a visible lead

Reinforcing the seriousness of the problem

Demonstrating a readiness to take serious action

All societal change needs strong leadership

The role of governments is central, powerful and carries sufficient authority to stimulate a sustained multi-sector response

Government voices speak loudly about problems

Government actions speak louder about solutions

Being visible in the media

Role modelling healthy behaviours (at an individual level)

Role modelling healthy environments (at a government agency level)

Creating mechanisms for a whole-of-government response to obesity

Lifting the priority for health (versus commercial) outcomes


Advocating for a multi-sector response across all societal sectors (governments, the private sector, civil society, and the public)

Solutions will need to involve many sectors within governments and all sectors outside government

Authoritative mechanisms will be needed to achieve cross-sectoral collaboration and coordination

Advocating to the private sector for corporate responsibility around marketing to children

Creating a high-level taskforce to oversee and monitor multi-sector actions

Encouraging healthy lifestyles for individual and families


Securing increased and continuing funding to create healthy environments and encourage healthy eating and physical activity

Changing environments requires funding

Social marketing and programs require funding

Supporting actions (eg training, research, evaluation, monitoring) require funding

Public good funding comes mainly from government sources

Establishing a health promotion foundation (eg using an hypothecated tobacco tax) to fund programs and research

Moving from project funding to program and service funding for obesity prevention

Creating centres of excellence for research, evaluation and monitoring


Developing, implementing, and monitoring a set of policies, regulations, taxes, and subsidies that make environments less obesogenic and more health promoting

Most behaviours are heavily influenced by environmental factors (physical, economic, policy, socio-cultural)

Changing environments often requires policy drivers

Education-based approaches are weak without supportive environments

Banning the marketing of unhealthy foods to children

Subsidising public transport and active transport more than car transport

Requiring 'traffic light' front of pack labelling of food nutrient profiles

Restricting the sale of unhealthy foods in schools